Bahariya Oasis and Cairo

3 nights and 4 days
Program TitleCairo, Egypt
how days4 days + 3nights
Hotel5 stars
One person 900

From two to five 800

More than five customers 700
Program DetailsFirst Day

 Arriving at Cairo Airport Lunch and visiting the Egyptian Museum and Khan El Khalili

Program DetailsDay 2

Have breakfast at the hotel - Travel to Bahariya Oasis - Visit the site of the White Desert, the Black Desert and the Crystal Mountain - Camping at White Desert Camp

Program DetailsDay 3

Watching the sunrise from the White Desert - Back to Cairo

Program DetailsDay 4

Have breakfast at the hotel - Visit the Pyramids of Giza, Khufu, Khafre, Menkaure, and the Sphinx statue
Lunch - Visit the pyramids of Dahshur - Saqqara region - Saqqara Amphitheater Pyramid and Princess Edot Tomb

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